Friends of MACA
We’re grateful for the contributions of a wide range of passionate and skilled individuals and organisations who help us work towards our vision every day
MACA's Expert Advisory Group
MACA's Expert Advisory Group was established in 2020 as part of our National Information Resource project. The group provides oversight of our information resources and activities and supports MACA to develop a nationally consistent, evidence-based approach.

Nicole Antonopoulos
An experienced public policy consultant, Nicole is also Mum to two boys, one of whom is 11 years old and an NDIS participant.

Professor Lynne Bilston
Lynne is a Senior Principal Research Scientist at NeuRA and Faculty of Medicine UNSW. She is Co-Director of the Transurban Road Safety Centre.

Samantha Hunter
Samantha is the CEO of Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA).

David Sinclair
David is the Executive Officer of the Assistive Technology Suppliers Australia (ATSA).

Emeritus Professor Torbjorn Falkmer
Torbjorn recently retired from Curtin University but continues to make a positive contribution to MACA's work as a member of the Expert Advisory Group.
We have worked with a range of organisations who have provided funding or in-kind support to help us make a difference.

Transport Accident Commision

Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA)


Curtin University

University of Melbourne

Monash University


La Trobe University

Deakin University

Baker Mckenzie

Hive Legal

Tanarra Philanthropic Advisors
Individual volunteers

Mike Lumley, MACA's technical expert
A child restraint expert, Mike has a long history providing advice on the transportation of children with disabilities and medical conditions. We are grateful for Mike's expert technical advice and tireless commitment to our vision.

Kenneth Gray, corporate lawyer
Ken is an experienced corporate lawyer, with over 37 years experience (28 as a partner and senior partner) with pre-eminent global law firm, Baker McKenzie.
We are very grateful to Ken's probono work in assisting MACA to be registered as a charity.

Rebecca Marcs, communications expert
Bec is a highly skilled and compassionate communications expert who assisted with developing MACA's communications and stakeholder engagement strategy.

Carolyn Foster, Chapter 1 digital
Carolyn is an experienced digital content specialist who has worked with government, corporate, education and not for profit clients to design and deliver clear, meaningful and compelling content. Carolyn reviewed the content for our website.

Sarah O'Connor
Sarah is an experienced communications and copywriting professional with a journalism background. We've greatly valued her advice and coordination of MACA's media and communications activities.

Vehicle Design and Research Pty Ltd (VDR)
Michael and David Paine from VDR, have been heavily involved in MACA's AuSAP program. They bring significant experience and technical expertise in developing and overseeing the sled crash tests and assessments of restraints as part of this world leading program.