Information for parents

Information you can trust
At Mobility and Accessibility for Children in Australia Ltd (MACA), we know how difficult it can be for parents to find the information, support and vehicle restraint products they need to ensure their children with disabilities and medical conditions can travel safely and comfortably in vehicles.
We know, through our national survey, that it's been just as difficult for many health professionals and organisations to find accurate and trustworthy information to support clients in this area.
MACA exists to change this situation. Learn more about us, our research, training and other projects that are building the evidence base in this important area.

Finding a trained professional
If you're experiencing challenges in the car (or other vehicles) with your child, and you're not already working with an allied health professional, we recommend you do this as soon as possible.
They will be able to assess your child’s transport needs and provide support to improve your child’s safety and comfort.
The organisations listed on the Lookup below have health professionals who have completed MACA's specialist training course, Transporting Children with Disabilities and Medical Conditions. This is the only course in Australia that aims to build the competency and confidence of health professionals working in this area of practice.
Note: Our Lookup will expand as MACA trained health professionals join our new subscriber portal, the MACA Hub, which was launched on 15 May 2023. MACA Hub subscribers can elect to be listed on our Health Professional Lookup.
Keep connected
Chris and Jerome's story
At MACA, we listen and learn from families. Chris shares her journey of finding comfort and safety for her son Jerome, who was finding car travel increasingly difficult due to his postural support needs.
Getting help
Keeping safe on the road
General information and tips for safe car travel
Children who get out of their restraints
Information for parents of children who habitually get out of their seatbelts or car seats
Hip spica transport
Many children are unable to fit comfortably and safely in their current car seat due to the shape and size of the hip spica cast or brace. These FAQs will assist you in planning for your child’s car seat needs when they are in their cast or brace.
Special purpose car seats
Information about car seats designed specifically for children with disabilities and medical conditions
Learn from other families' experiences
MACA's website information has helped me understand more about supporting my child's needs when travelling in the car.