Media centre
Keep up to date with our latest news

The Media Centre hosts news articles - based on the themes of research, advocacy and family stories - along with research insights and media releases.
Helen Lindner, our Chief Executive, is available to support journalists working on stories about road safety and safe vehicle transport for children with disabilities and medical conditions, and their families.
Media releases
Shedding new light on car seat safety for children with disabilities
The findings of our Australian Safety Assessment Program (AuSAP) were announced at a media event on 26 October 2022, attended by Sam Cockfield (TAC), Werribee mum Sandy and her son, Ashton, and Helen Lindner (MACA).
Launch of AuSAP
MACA's Australian Safety Assessment Program (AuSAP) was launched by the Hon. Ben Carroll MP, Minister for Roads and Road Safety in December 2021.

Ethnographic research in the news
Rachael with son, Robbie, and daughter, Elsie are a Tasmanian family taking in MACA's ethnographic research project.
MACA, in partnership with Monash University Emerging Technologies Lab, is working with families around Australia to gain a deep understanding of their motor vehicle transport experiences.
This will enable MACA to develop resources and activities that respond to the real world needs of families living with disability.
Read read more about their journey in the Examiner newspaper article below.
The facts
At MACA, we raise awareness of road safety and transport issues impacting on children with disabilities and medical conditions and their families. This advocacy is critical to achieving effective policy and practice to support the safe transport of children with disabilities and their families - now and into the future.
We will continue to provide submissions to government and other key stakeholders on road safety and transport issues relevant to children with disabilities and their families based on research and direct experiences.
Family stories

Video stories
Check out our growing video library of real life stories about family experiences of transporting children with disabilities and medical conditions.

Contact us - Media
MACA’s Chief Executive, Helen Lindner, can provide expert commentary and insight into transport policy issues as well as research and practice insights.
We can also connect journalists to families for lived-experience insights.
For media enquiries or interview requests, please call us on (03) 9134 2500 or email: