B&S Seven Point Harness
This harness has seven lockable buckles that can only be released with an additional tool. There are two types of lockable buckles to choose from.
The harness consists of a baseband that is attached to the rear seat of a vehicle. Where the harness is used in multiple vehicles (including buses) an additional base band can be purchased.
It comes with an anti-submarining strap that can be removed if not required.
Optional headrest available to suit larger seat backs.
It must be used with the vehicle seatbelt. No anchor point required, the harness is fitted to the vehicle seat.
Important information for parents: The B&S Seven Point Harness is a specialty product designed for occupants with disabilities and medical conditions. This type of product should be prescribed by an allied health professional, such as an occupational therapist and physiotherapist.
This product is supplied by specialist disability suppliers and there are legal requirements to comply with when using it.

Supplier information
For more information or to purchase this product, please contact Mobility Engineering.