Understanding road laws

When children are prescribed special purpose car seats, modified Australian standard car seats, harnesses/vests, and other devices (e.g seatbelt buckle covers) there are specific road rules and vehicle standards that must be complied with in Tasmania.
The most common rules for Tasmania are summarised below.
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Road rules
There are different rules for transporting children under 7 years, and children 7 to under 16 years, and vehicle standard exemption requirements for the legal use of seatbelt buckle covers.
If a child with disability or medical condition (under 16 years of age) is prescribed a special purpose car seat, modified Australian standard car seat, or harness/vest the driver is required to comply with the following road rules.

Children under 7 years
The driver is exempt from transporting a child in an Australian standard car seat, providing:
* the driver is carrying a medical certificate that states the child is unable to travel in an Australian standard car seat because of their medical condition or disability
* the child is travelling in a child restraint designed for a person with a disability or medical condition
* the driver is complying with any conditions stated in the medical certificate

Children under 7 years (modified Australian standard car seat, harness/vest)
The driver is exempt from transporting a child in an Australian standard car seat, and able to transport the child in a modified car seat or harness/vest providing:
* the driver is carrying a medical certificate that states the person should not wear a seatbelt because of a disability or medical condition
* the person is complying with any conditions stated in the medical certificate
Note: This only applies to harnesses and vests that use the vehicle's anchorage point, and/or convert the seatbelt to a lap belt

Children 7 to under 16 years
The driver is exempt from transporting a child in an Australian standard car seat or vehicle seatbelt, providing:
* the driver is carrying a medical certificate that states a medical practitioner believes the person should not wear a seatbelt because of a disability or medical condition
* the person is complying with any conditions stated in the medical certificate

Seatbelt buckle covers
The Department of State Growth in Tasmania advises that the fitment of a seatbelt buckle cover means the seatbelt no longer complies with the relevant Australian Design Rules (ADR) applicable to seatbelts. This is because the buckle cover prevents the operation of the buckle release being performed in a single action, as required by the ADRs.
An exemption is required and may be issued for each specified vehicle to which the buckle cover will be applied.
To get an exemption the applicant (owner or registered operator of each vehicle) must complete both an application and prescription form for assessment.
For more information contact: Department of State Growth, Telephone: 1300 135 513
Advice to Parent form
MACA recommends an Advice to Parent form be carried in each vehicle the child travels in. In some states and territories, this is a legal requirement.
The MACA Guide, provided free to participants of our online training course, includes detailed information to assist prescribers in completing the form.
Disclaimer: The Advice to Parent form is only for use by MACA trained professionals. MACA bears no responsibility for unauthorised use of this form.

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