Free training offer for Tasmanian health professionals
Apply for a free place today

Free training opportunity
Interested in building your knowledge and confidence in assessing and prescribing for children’s motor vehicle transport needs?
The Department of State Growth Community Road Safety Grants has funded 40 places for eligible Tasmanian health professionals in our specialist online training course Transporting Children with Disabilities and Medical Conditions.
The course is usually $590 (excl. GST).
Round one applications are open until 14 April 2023 through a simple expression of interest process.

The 40 fully funded places are only available to health professionals who work in Tasmania.
Eligible groups:
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Rehabilitation engineers
- Medical practitioners
How to apply
Applications are made through an Expression of Interest (EoI) process.
Eligible applicants will be invited to start the self-paced course by 14 April 2023 (round one offers). If places remain, a further round will be made available.
The funded places will be allocated at the discretion of MACA to ensure they are distributed across a range of organisation types, sizes and locations.

About the course
Transporting Children with Disabilities and Medical Conditions is an evidence-based training course developed with funding from the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Suitable for both novice and experienced allied health professionals, it aims to build knowledge and confidence in assessing and prescribing for children’s motor vehicle transport needs (under 16 years).
The course provides nine CPD hours and is structured over three weeks. However, participants can go at their own pace and have ongoing and unlimited access to the course after finishing.
Visit our training page for more information.

After the course
Upon completion of the course, Tasmanian participants receive a free copy of the MACA Guide, Australia's leading prescribing resource, and a certificate.
They will also be invited to attend a post course webinar hosted by MACA in November 2023 to reflect on key learnings from the training and explore how to continue to build practice knowledge and skills in this area.
MACA's course is the first of its kind and I would consider it a necessity for any therapist who is supporting children with disabilities and medical conditions to travel safely in vehicles