Understanding road laws

When children are prescribed special purpose car seats, modified Australian standard car seats, harnesses/vests, and other devices (e.g seatbelt buckle covers) there are specific road rules and vehicle standards that must be complied with in Queensland.
The most common rules for Queensland are summarised below.
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Road rules
The Queensland Road Rules enable a prescriber (called a specialist) to prescribe a vehicle restraint option for a child under 16 years of age, in accordance with AS/NZS 4370 Restraint of children with disabilities, or medical conditions, in motor vehicles.
This road rule provides an exemption for the driver from complying with the Queensland child restraint and seatbelt road rules for children under the age of 16 years. The driver must be carrying a current Advice to Parent form in the vehicle the child is travelling in, and be complying with any conditions outlined in the Advice to Parent form.
A specialist (prescriber) is defined as a doctor, occupational therapist, psychologist, physiotherapist, or biomedical engineer.
Unlike all other states and territories in Australia there is no requirement for a medical certificate.

Complying with vehicle standards (seatbelt buckle covers)
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) have published a safe movement guideline for a vehicle fitted with a seatbelt buckle cover. MACA worked closely with TMR to develop the guideline which is aimed at improving access to seatbelt buckle covers, where prescribed, for families of children with disabilities.
Issued under Section 53 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2021, the guideline exempts a vehicle from certain vehicle standards and removes the current requirement of applying to TMR for an exemption - providing certain requirements are met.
Read more about the exemption and requirements here.
Advice to Parent form
The Advice to Parent form must be carried by the driver in the vehicle the child is travelling in at all times.
The MACA Guide, provided free to participants of our online training course, includes detailed information to assist prescribers in completing the form.
Disclaimer: The Advice to Parent form is only for use by MACA trained professionals. MACA bears no responsibility for unauthorised use of this form.

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