Vehicle restraint options
There are many types of vehicle restraints and products available in Australia that are suitable for children with disabilities and medical conditions when travelling in vehicles

Vehicle restraint options
This page introduces the types of vehicle restraints often used by children with disabilities and medical conditions when travelling in motor vehicles.

Australian standard car seats
These car seats comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 1754).

Modified car seats
Modified car seats do not comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS 1754). Adding accessories, or making changes to the restraint (not supplied by or included in the manufacturer’s instructions) modifies the car seat.

Special purpose car seats
Special purpose car seats, designed for children with disabilities and medical conditions, comply with overseas standards/regulations and are independently assessed by the Australian Safety Assessment Program.

Harnesses and vests
There are a range of harnesses/vests which support children's postural needs and assist with preventing children who get out of their restraint.