Answers to commonly asked questions from allied health professionals about safe vehicle transport for children with disabilities and medical conditions

Reliable and accurate information
At MACA we know, through our national survey, how difficult it’s been for many health professionals to find trustworthy information to support clients in the area of safe vehicle transport.
Find answers to general common questions here, or find more specific questions and answers as you move around this site.
MACA's role
We are a not for profit dedicated to advancing the rights of children with disabilities and medical conditions to safe and accessible transport by leading research and providing independent, evidence informed resources and training.
Find out more about MACA’s role and work program.
Restraint types
Information and FAQs about the different vehicle restraint options used by children with disabilities and medical conditions.
Transport challenges
We know that each child and family has unique needs. Find information and case studies about specific transport challenges commonly experienced by children with disabilities and medical conditions. Each transport challenge page also includes answers to common questions about the topic.
Hip spica transport
Information to help prepare families for hospital discharge, following their child's hip dysplasia surgery.
Road laws
We've reviewed the road laws in each Australian state and territory that impact on the transport of children with disabilities and medical conditions. We found that in many cases they are inconsistent, unclear, and not supported by community education. We're working closely with the transport sector to close these gaps.
Meanwhile, we've developed easy to use templates specific to each state and territory to help you in your professional role supporting families in complying with road laws in your state or territory.

Can’t find what you're looking for?
Our team is here to give you the help and support you need.
I have always found the the legal requirements for using special purpose car seats confusing. MACA's resources and templates make it easy for me to understand and to help families comply with road laws.